Munna had an inclination to visit vaishno devi and other places. He wanted Rajikkaa and myself to accompany him and as desired by him I planned my programme on 23rd ApriI 08 to enable me to join Rajikka from Coimbatore.
As per schedule, I reached Coimbatore on 24th April 08 and after two days sojourn, we started our journey to Mumbai on 26th April 08 . S.R.K had booked a call taxi the previous day and it picked us up from the forest campus at 8.a.m. By the time we reached the Coimbatore airport ,it was 9.am.
For Rajikka, it was her first flight journey and she was so exited on reaching the Coimbatore airport . All along our journey to airport, she was murmuring something and later I came to know that she was praying herself for our safe journey. Her face literally filled with joy and she was calm and quiet.
As soon as we entered the airport, we collected our boarding pass and by 10.am, we were asked to go near the security check counter. After finishing our security check and sending the baggage inside , we were asked to carry only small baggage with us .We waited till a final announcement was made for boarding the flight.
By 10.15.am ,we were asked to get into the tarmac for boarding the flight to Mumbai.
At last we got into the flight and occupied the designated seat. I got a seat very close to the
window. Rajikka sitting next to me glanced at the passenger and was watching tamasha in
the flight. She had closed her ears with cotton buts to avoid flight noise during its take off.
Thus, there was no response whenever I talked to her as her face simply drew a blank..
Although, I had breakfast in the morning around 8.am., I was a bit hungry by 10.30.am and was waiting for the airhostess to bring something for my belly. Unfortunately, there was nothing forthcoming. When, I was watching towards the door, at last, I saw an young lady in her uniform coming towards my direction and fortunately, for my luck she was asking the fellow passengers whether they want any light refreshments. When my turn came, I ordered for some sandwiches, tea and orange juice. While, I got all the items ordered, but,subsequently the lady came with a smile and a bill on hand for Rs.120/- . For me, I never knew that in Deccan airways and other low cost airlines they charge for the food. I had no other go, except to hand over the cash to her, of course, with a smile and also returned the juice I had ordered. Rajikka was seeing my plight and opened her mouth with a sarcastic laugh.
By about 12.10.a.m,we landed at Mumbai airport and after alighting from the flight and subsequently, collecting our baggage ,we came out from the terminus. As Munna had a heavy schedule at his office, he deputed his driver to the airport and he was waiting for our arrival. Since, I had already seen him during my earlier visit , there was no problem for our transport.
By the time we reached Munna’s Bank at Bandra –Kurla Complex it was 1.30.pm and since it was a Saturday, Munna was waiting to pack up home. Munna was overjoyed to see Rajikka and self. After spending 20 mts with him, we all proceeded towards Borivali flat
Jayanti had prepared a good lunch and left for office. By 2.30.pm we had our lunch and it was 3.pm or so Bhanu and N.K.R arrived to join us to celebrate the Annual Ceremony of father,the next day 27th April 08. Munna had made all arrangements for the Ceremony.
Rajikka was very happy to see the child and it was her first visit to Borivali flat. Self, Munna and N.R.K. visited the Borivali Vegetable market for some purchase for the Ceremony.
On 27th morning, the Cook followed by Vadyar reached Munna’s flat for the annual ceremony of Father. Everything went on well. It was about 2.pm when the Vadyar left the place.. We had our lunch at 2.15.p.m. and later Munna and Jayanti were very busy with their packing for the next day programme. By 5.pm Bhanu and N.R.K. left for Vashi.
The next day 28th April 08 was really hectic for our journey .By 9.30.am, we all left for Mumbai airport in a taxi and reached the airport by 11.am. The flight to Jammu was at 12.05.pm. After checking our luggage and getting the boarding pass, we went to the security check and later boarded the aircraft. For Rajikka, it was her second flight and she enjoyed the journey.
The jet airlines supplied good lunch and it was enough for us.The aircraft on its way to Jammu also touched the Srinagar Airport for 25 mts to ferry some more passengers and it was 4.45.pm when we touched the Jammu airport. Munna’s office colleague with an AC vehicle was waiting for our arrival and he took us to Katra which is close to Vaishnodevi temple. The journey time from Jammu airport to Katra was nearly one and half hours. By 6.15.pm we reached the Hote Malati- cum Guest House.
While,self and Rajikka were accommodated in an AC room in the ground floor, Munna and family were accommodated in an AC room in the II floor. The Hotel as such was good and convenient. After some rest and food we went round for a small stroll in the nearby shopping area and also to look upon the hill areas which were fully decorated with lights. It was really worth seeing. The climate was moderate and for us we can manage with ordinary fan rather than A.C. After dinner, we rtired for the day.
The next day 29th April 08, we got up early and had our breakfast at 9.am.By 10.30.am we were ready for the next programme. Between 10.30.am and 11.am we procured some prasadam items to be taken to the temple for puja. By 11.30.am we got into an auto rickshaw and proceeded towards the Helipad nearby to enable our journey to the temple.
By 12.10.pm Rajikka ,Muna and family entered one of the Helicopters run by Deccan airways. After 10 mts, I followed them. Before entering the helicopter all of us underwent security check and also got our weight checked . Later, after reaching the other side of the Helipad and collecting the V.I.P passes for our special entry at gate No.4,all of us joined together for our journey to the temple. At that time, I was fully hungry and wants to eat something, but what to do. After second thought I took some biscuits and apple and started eating. Some people were steering at my plight. I was eating without any concern.
The temple was nearly 3 km away from the Helipad, a Dolly was arranged to carry Rajika till the temple and the rest walked the distance.. All along the route,people were chanting Jai Mataji, Jai Mataji. One can see a panoramic view of the temple on one side and the mountains and hills on the other. One can see people walking the distance right from the foot of the hill. Some people engaged poney,horses to carry them. Some elderly people took the help of dollies. It took nearly one and a half hours for us to reach the temple.The temple is managed by a board and it looks after the welfare of the temple and also the pilgrims.
We had the darshan of Goddess Vaishnodevi at 2.pm. We were fortunate to have the darshan of Goddess Lakshmi,Parvathi and Saraswathi at one place. The priest sitting close to the deity received the dry fruits carried in the polythene cover and subsequently placed before the Goddess and return the same as Prasadam for distribution.
After having the darshan near the sanctum sanctorum ,and while returning, Rajikka somehow managed to re-enter the temple followed by Munna and his daughter. Initially, the sentry tried to prevented them from entering the temple,but after second thought and seeing Rajikka’s age allowed them without any second thought.
Self and Jayanthi though we tried to enter the temple second time, we could not do so. Anyhow we had the darshan of the deity for the first time and we should be happy with it.
While returning from the temple, Manaswini got her hair tonsured as an offering to Goddess Vaishnodevi. After walking for 10mts or so Rajikka got into her Dolly to be dropped at the Helipad. In the meanwhile, Munna and Jayanthi engaged two horses to ferry them to the Helipad site. Manaswini got into Munna,s fold during the journey.After walking for a few minutes,I had a second thought and I too followed Munna in a horse so that I could also reach the Helipad site in time to avoid any delay due to weather.
After reaching the Helipad site,we came to know that the Helicopter service has been stopped due to inclement weather. It was nearly 5.30.pm, when there was some hope from the helicopter counter that the service has been resumed.At that point of time,there was some hope among the pilgrims who were waiting for their turn and ultimately everybody wanted to get into the helicopter and there was some sort of a rush. All the pilgrims who were waiting for their turn were more or less hungry and tired. When our turn came, all of us rushed towards the helicopter to reach down the hill. It was 6.15.pm when we reached the down the hill and reached our Guest House.
In the evening, all of us had some bread slice,plantain and tea. By 9.pm we all went round Katra for some purchase,and retired for the day.
The next day 30.4.08, we got up early and had our bath. Jayanthi prepared oats payasam in the Guest House. It was very delicious and I had two glass fully. The vehicle reached the Guest House by 9.am and we all left for Jammu. On the way we visited the Raghunath temple. The entire area is occupied by security forces to avoid any attack by terrorists . The temple and the surrounding areas are kept clean and we had a good darshan of Lord Rama,seeta and Lakshmana .In the temple complex we also saw the Spatika Lingam installed earlier and we performed special puja. Later Munna and Jayanthi went for shopping at Jammu market area. Self and Rajikka were sitting in the car and after a gap of 30 mts all of us proceeded towards Hotel K.C.Residency for Lunch. The lunch was quite good and delicious.
After Lunch, we proceeded towards Jammu airport and it was 1.40.pm when the car reached Jammu airport .We got entry into the airport through Airport authority office and got security check up. Due to some problem at Delhi airport, our flight was delayed by an hour .At last it left by 3.15.pm and touched Delhi airport by 4.45.pm.
At Delhi airport, Munna’s colleague had arranged a Tata Indica car for our journey by road to Agra. Since it was evening 5.pm, the climate as such was very moderate.The journey as a whole was very pleasant. The road was very fine and the vehicle was moving at a very good speed and as a result I was sleepy. Sitting at the front seat near the Driver was really unpleasant for me as the driver was finding it difficult to drive. I was helpless ,as I could not control my sleep. Normally ,I do get sleep whenever I occupy the front seat. Of course one can experience a cool breeze when the car is moving at a high speed . Sitting in the car and experiencing the cool breeze coupled with a small dose of sleep without any disturbance is fantastic . This experience one should feel in his life time.It was about 9.30.pm when we reached Munna’s colleague’s place. Chapathis and other dishes were served at their house. By and large the items served was very good. More than the food, their hospitality was very good.
After our dinner, we left for our Guest House which was very near the famous Taj Mahal.We were accommodated in an AC room at the fifth floor of the building After planning for the next day programme, we retired for the day.
The next dahy 1st May 2008, as planned earlier we got up earlier and had a cup of tea at 7.am and exactly by that time the designated car picked us up for our visit to Taj Mahal Munna’s friend accompanied us. An official from the Archeological survey of India also joined us in explaining the various historical places in and around Taj Mahal. We were fortunate in getting more information about Taj Mahal through him. He also helped us in clicking some good shots. By the time we completed our visit to Taj Mahal, we were exhausted and had our breakfast in a South Indian Hotel. The food served was not so good.Later by 10.30.am we left for the Guest House. After leaving Rajikka,Jayanthi and the child at the Guest House, we left for shopping. We visited a few shoe shops and purchased some footwear’s/chappal to Munna. I had a pair of sports shoe. By and large the quality of leather goods in Agra were really good when compared to other places.
After our lunch,we left by car to Mathura, the abode of Lord Krishna. It was at about 4.30.pm or so we were inside the temple. The place was fully guarded by C.R.P.F. jawans. There were lot of security checks before our entry is made. As we were accompanied by B.O.B friends, we had no problem in having our darshan. Later, we visited the famous Brin davan,where the lord used to spent more time and other temples
After hectic programme at Madhura, by 8.pm we reached the Madhura Railway Station and boarded the Madhura - Allahabad train .The next day 2nd May 2008,the train reached Allahabad late by 40 mts. Ragu received us at the Allahabad railway station,and we were taken in his car to his place. We had a cordial welcome at his house.After bath and breakfast, we proceeded towards the designated Vadyar’s house to perform the rituals It was about 10.am when we started our programme.Later, we were asked to have bath at Triveni Sangamam. Rajikka,self Munna and Jayanthi with the child reached the river in a three wheeler. At the bank of the river we boarded a small boat to reach Triveni Sangamam. Rajikka rendered a few classical songs while the boat was moving. After a good dip and bath, Munna conducted certain preliminary pujas connected to Veni Dhanam. Munna with the handy camera also took some shots while the boat was on its move .We return to the Vadhyar house to continue our rituals. The entire programme was over by 2.30.pm . Raghu was waiting for us and we all left to his place for lunch. By 2.45.pm we finished our lunch. Mrs Raghu had prepared the lunch very well and organized.
The same day, at 4.30.pm, Munna had arranged a Car for our journey to Varanasi.It took nearly three hrs to reach Varanasi. As Munna’s office people had arranged accommodation at Banaras Hindu University Guest House and his colleagues also accompanied in a car, we did not find any problem in reaching the Guest House. We were accommodated in two AC rooms 9 & 10 respectively. The rooms were quite comfortable. The Guest House had its own Dining Hall and we had our Dinner, the same day at 8.30.pm. After planning our programme for the next day, we retired for the day.
The next day,3.5.08, at 6.30.am the designated car reached the Guest House and we proceeded towards the Vadyar’s house.After,preliminary discussion,by 7.30.am a boat man accompanied us to the Ganges.. From the river bed, a boat was organized for our visit to 5 different ghats.We took bath in all the five ghats. Manaswini, Munna’s daughter was literally dipped in easch ghat. Rajikka,because of her old age, took bath only in one Ghat.Munna took some snaps in the ghats and also in the boat .After visiting the ghats, by 10.am we returned to vadyar’s house. Munna and Jayanthi performed certain rituals on one side and Rajikka also performed certain rituals on other side.The rituals were over by 11.am and later we were asked to join two Brahmins for food in a nearby house.The food served to us by a Brahmin lady was really fine and we enjoyed the eating. We returned to Banaras Hindu University campus by 12.30.am.
At 4.30.pm, the designated AC car again came to the Guest house and we visited the famous Kashi Vishwanatha temple .Our Car was allowed till a particular entry point and we had to walk literally for a kilometer to reach the main temple.As there were many security checks and since there was a known person from B.O.B. we had no problem all along. By and large all of us had a very good darshan of Lord Vishwanatha and Vishalakshi.After the temple visit, we had our dinner in a nearby hotel and returned to our Guest House. It was about 9.30.pm we retired for the day.
The next day 4.5.08 happens to be an Amavasya. Munna and Jayanthi left the child in my custody and left for early morning darshan at Vishwanatha temple at 6.am. They were back at 8.am.Later after performing the Tarpanam and brfeakfast we left for temple visit.We visited the famous Sankat morcha and Kali temples.Later Munna purchased some banaras sarees and we had our lunch near Saranath temple at 2.p.m. We took some snaps at Saranath temple and at the museum the Ashoka pillar is worth seeing. We went round the saranath temple where Budha gave his surman to his disciple.By 6.pm we were back to our Guest House.After rest and gossip,we had our dinner at 8.pm. By 10.pm we all retired for the day.
The next day 5th May 2008,we got up at 5.am.There was a power shutdown till 5.40.am.After bath, we had our morning tea. By 7.30.am we all reached the Guest House dinning hall and had our breakfast.By 8.am the car was ready for our journey to Varanasi airport.
On the way to airport, we visited the Shiva temple at B.H.U. campus built by late Madan Mohan Malavia. The temple as such was maintained very well surrounded by a garden.We reached the Varanasi airport by 10.am. After security check up etc., we boarded the Air India flight at 11.am and later we were served refreshment. The flight touched the Mumbai airport at 12.30.am. By the time we reached Munna’s flat, it was 2.p.m.
6th May 2008 both Munna and Jayanthi took leave and spent the entire day with us.
7th May 2008,all were busy in their routine. Munna as usual started for his work. At 8.15.am Rjikka and myself also joined him up to his office in his car and later we reached Mulund at 10.30.am.We spent about two hours with Thirupathi mama and family.
By 12.30.pm,we left for Bhanu’s place. It took nearly one hour and 30 minutes in the car to reach Vashi.. Bhanu had arranged a good lunch. The driver after lunch at Bhanu’s place left for Borivali .We stayed in vashi up to 11th May 08 and during the period we paid courtesy visit to Hari mama’s place and also visited a few temples nearby.
On 11th May we all visited Chembur to see Brahmashri. Harihara Sarma at his house. After exchange of pleasantries and discussion we took some photographs with him. Bhanu was instrumental in this visit. He was nearly 86 years.
On 12th May 2008,the car reached vashi at 1.30.pm .After lunch, we all left for Khandiveli to see Ratna’s daughter and the new born. Since, they have gone to Dhombivili, self and Rajikka left for Borivali in the car, while Bhanu and Ramachandran boarded a bus to Vashi..
On our way to Borivali ,we picked up Jayanthi from her office and later the child from the Creche . It was about 6.10.pm when we were at Munna’s flat. Munna also reached the flat by 6.30.pm.We leisurely packed our things for our Journey to Coimbatore the next day 13th May. As per plan we got up at 4.am and left for Mumbai airport.Munna also accompanied us to the airport. We were in the airport by 5.am and immediately got our baggage checked and completed the formalities before boarding the flight. The Spicejet left by 5.55.am and reached Coimbatore by 7.35.am.We hired a taxi from the airport and by 8.15.am we were in the Forest campus quarters.
Rajikka was very jubiliant about her visit and she was narrating her experience to her son-in-law S.R.K. and Shanthi.Their little master Kartik was equally happy to see his Grand-mother after a fortnight.
As desired, S.R.K. had booked a sleeper accommodation for my journey the next day 14th May 08 by an Intercity train from Coimbatore to Bangalore. Although, the journey was boring, I could somehow manage to read some pages now and then from Bhagvat Geetha.to keep myself engaged. At last, the train reached Bangalore city station by 9.20.pm and within 30 minutes I reached my place.
By and large the pilgrimage rejuvenated my health as I was in the company of my kith and kin.
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