Thursday, January 8, 2009


Before my retirement from Doordarshan,, somehow it struck me to visit Thiruvannamalai and also Ramanashrama. Earlier, I had read some literature about the saint Sri Ramana Maharishi but I did not had the opportunity,time or inclination to visit the Ashram for obvious reason..

One fine day, I just planned to visit the Ashram and accordingly I booked a ticket to Thiruvanna Malai in a bus proceeding towards Pondichery. During the course of the journey I collected some information about the accommodation and other details from the co-passengers.

The first visit really kindled some light in my life. One of the co-passenger along with his brother was trying to get accommodation at the Ashram but fortunately since I was with them all along the route to the ashram and also the Manager counter, the person who was at the counter bluntly told them they will get accommodation provided they also accommodate me. This is something I never expected. Subsequently, I had to show my official identity to the brothers to convince my bonafides.

The Person at the counter explained in brief the daily routine at the Ashram and we were told that the Ashram is not charging for food or accommodation to its Guests but they are at liberty to pay any donation.

During that period I visited the Skandashramam and Virupaksha cave on the Hill and participated in the daily prayer and other routine rituals. I had an opportunity to visit the Room where the Maharshi left for the heavenly abode and also the Meditation Hall where the Ramama Maharishi used to sit for meditation.This experience made me to visit this place once again.

Last week, I was exchanging my experience with my friend Mr.Lakshminarayan who had also visited it earlier. Subsequently, during the first week of October 07, he expressed his desire to visit the shrine once again and accordingly, he posted a letter to the Manager of the Ashram for accommodation and he got a reply for our visit.

We were given an accommodation for three days and accordingly we planned our visit. On 7th October 07, we started our journey ..It was about when we reached the Bus Station and we got into the bus to Thiruvannamalai at and the same day at we reached Ramanashramam. The bus journey from Bangalore to Thiruvannamalai is about 5 hours..

Since our accommodation was already booked, there was no problem in getting a good cottage very close to Ashram .. After settling down at the cottage, we had our lunch . After a short nap, we left the cottage for Ashram for our Tea. Unfortunately, we were late for Tea and hence had to depend upon a hotel nearby.

The Ashram atmosphere as such was very salubrious. It was very interesting to see peacocks everywhere undisturbed.

Between and there was chanting of the Vedas in front of the Bhagavan Shrine and subsequently, pujas and Paraynam were held at the Shrine.

At, it was time for Dinner for Guests at the Ashram. The Food served at the Ashram was extremely good. On that particular evening there were about 40 Guests . After dinner, we returned to our cottage and by we retired for the day..

The next day, 8th October 07 at about 5.30,am we woke up The Climate as such was very hot, for us it is very difficult to adjust the hot climate. Though, we had fan at each room, I could not get proper sleep in the night. More over I am not used to Fan air.. The fan had no control switch and it was running at high speed. I had to switch off the fan quite often because of its noise.

After bath, we left for Ashram prayer at . After attending morning puja at the Samadi shrine, exactly at we had our breakfast at the ashram.The breakfast consists of Idli and sambar followed by milk/coffee. It was fine. The milk is being supplied from the ashram cows. As Monday, was a Pradosham day, there was a special puja for the Lingam from onwards. During the course of puja, it was very interesting to see different types of Arathis like single arati, pancha arati,charka arati, rata arati and Kumba arati. It is very interesting to listen to the Vedic recitation and also their vibrations.

It is very pertinent to mention here that there were many foreign devotees visiting this Ashram frequently to pay their devotion to the Maharshi. The meditation hall is always occupied by devotees. Generally, it is open from to 12.00 noon and to .

While going through the Ashram premises one can see 4 Samadhis specially constructed in memory of a cow , a dog, a deer and a crow which the Maharshi was very fond of . Apart from this, one Samadhi is also built separately for Dr.Cohan who served Maharshi till his death.

After this visit, we engaged an auto for our Giri Pradakshina. On our way we saw Ashta Lingas dedicated to Lord Indira, Agni, Yama, Varuna, Vayu, Kubera, Nairutya, and Eeshanya. We also visited the temple built in memory of late Seshadri Iyer, who took care of Ramana Maharshi during his younger days. After these visits we returned to Ashram and at we had our Lunch which consists of Payasam,Rasam,Curry,Sambar,Butter Milk, chutney etc in connection with Pradosha puja.

After Lunch, we returned to our Cottage by 12 noon. Between 12 noon and we were at the Sri Ramana Centenary Library which had a large selection of books and magazines on Religion,philosophy and literature in all major Indian and European languages. From to we had a good nap. At we entered the Ashram premises for Tea/milk. In the meanwhile we visited the book stall at the Ashram and just went round the book stall to see various books published by the Ashram. However, we evinced keen interest in a small book on ‘Ramana Maharshi – Answers 100 questions.

Later we entered the Meditation Hall and did Meditation for 25 mts. and spent the remaining time in the prayer hall watching the special puja on Monday. While the puja was in progress, a private TV channel took some shots for telecast. After Puja, a regular Bhajan team started their recitation praising Lord Shiva and also the Maharshi till .At 7.30,pm we had our dinner and by we returned to our cottage and retired for the day at 9.00 pm.

The next day 9th October 07 we woke up at 5.30 am and participated in the prayer and puja at At we had our breakfast consists of Idli and Molagapudi. At we took an auto to the main temple in Thiruvannamalai – Arunachaleswara temple and Abudamba temple. The temple has its own architectural style with a big Rajagopuram. The Mahadwaram is very attractive . We also had an opportunity to see the place where Ramana Maharshi first hide himself at Pataleswara temple. This place has now been renovated.

After visiting the Thiruvannamalai temple, we returned to Ashram for lunch at We paid a sum of Rs.500/- as donation to the Ashram for our stay and food. In all we were at the Ashram cottage for two days only. We got into a bus bound for Bangalore at and reached Bangalore by .

By and large , the visit had recharged my life from the regular monotony .In case if anybody wants to visit the Ramana Maharshi Ashram, please send them your programme in advance either by post or by email. It is worth seeing .



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